Case study: Pirouetting from in-person to virtual

Sunflower Corporation’s world of events before 2020 was filled with early mornings and late nights, venue finding, speaker liaison, arranging conference AV and entertainment, sorting catering contracts, booking travel and organising after parties. In the early months of this year, we managed events in five countries and all across the UK. These days, we still [...]

Case study: Steam Punk Edwardian Ball surrounded by dinosaurs!

The events industry is brilliantly collaborative. We work with a great team of freelancers to boost our core team on our live events, and sometimes we work with other events agencies to support them. This was the case when our friend and colleague Lucy Hall (no relation to Hannah!) contacted us early in 2019. [...]

Client success story – How we helped Movable Ink continue with their events schedule during lockdown

One of our regular clients, Movable Ink, was due to run a live client event in May 2020. By late March, it had become clear that ‘in-person’ events were not going to be viable for the foreseeable future. This lovely client has become an important factor in Sunflower’s success during lockdown, inspiring us to pivot [...]

Sunflower case study: The Boldheart Mindset Intensive Tour and Retreat (part 2)

In part 1 of this case study, we outlined how Sunflower supported our fantastic client Boldheart with their promotional Mindset Intensive Tour around the UK, leading up to a three-day intensive coaching retreat at a hotel in London. This was set for May 2020, but by the end of March it was clear that C-19 [...]

Sunflower case study: The Boldheart Mindset Intensive Tour and Retreat (part 1)

We had been working with our amazing client, Boldheart for around a year, initially venue finding for their London-based events, which quickly moved to managing the logistics pre-event and onsite for all their European events. They then asked us to get involved in running their first UK Mindset Retreat, and we of course jumped at [...]

Lockdown light relief

The @SunflowerEventTeam have been brainstorming (virtually, of course) how we can reach out to our clients to help keep themselves and their colleagues sane during the lockdown and coronavirus crisis. In these unprecedented times of forced home working and virtual meetings, we want to help you to keep teams working and communicating well together, as [...]

Sunflower case study: Phrasee at the Festival of Marketing

Artificial intelligence firm Phrasee were showcasing at the Festival of Marketing at Tobacco Dock, a two-day event where brand marketers can “discover, learn, celebrate and shape the future together”. It’s an innovative, forward-thinking, global event, so when Phrasee decided they were going to exhibit, they knew they had to present a show-stopping experience for visitors.Disruptors [...]

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